In addition to the questions, there are a couple websites that you may want to check out. - When I was home for Christmas my parents' introduced me to this newspaper that homeless people sell on the side of the road for $1. They write the articles, then purchase the papers and sell them for profit. People have used this to get off the streets, and I thought it was a really neat concept. I also read a couple articles in it that changed my perspective on homelessness. So I thought I'd share it! - more about the book.
On prejudice -
1. What are some modern examples of prejudice? Other than racial prejudice, what other kinds of prejudice are common today?
2. What are 3 things you can do to combat your personal prejudices?
3. Read Micah 6:8. What does this verse say about the attitude we should have toward other people?
On homelessness -
1. What is your initial reaction to encountering a homeless person or someone who is in serious financial or personal need?
2. Other than give money to social service agencies, what are things you can do to provide ministry to the homeless people in your community?
On forgiveness -
1. Is it easier to give or receive forgiveness? Why?
2. Why is it so hard for us to grant unconditional forgiveness? How can your faith help you become a more forgiving person?
On faith -
1. In Chapter 44, Denver said, "Our limitation is God's opportunity." How has this statement been authenticated in your life.
2. With Deborah in critical condition, the object of ministry (Denver) became the source of ministry. Denver had been through a lot and was equipped to provide for Ron's needs. Through what experiences has God worked to equip you for ministry? How has God used you to meet the needs of others?
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